Export from 11g and import to 19c

export from 11g and import to 19c

In this article, we are going to learn how to export from 11g and import to 19c. As you know the Oracle DATA PUMP is a very powerful tool and using the Export and Import method we can load the from the lower Oracle database version to the higher Oracle Database version and vice versa.

Step 1. Create a backup directory

To perform the export/import first we need to create a backup directory at the OS level as well as Database level using the following steps.

$mkdir -p /u01/expdp_bkp

Now login in Database using sys user and create the directory at the database level:

SQL> create directory expdp_bkp as '/u01/expdp_bkp';

We can perform export and import activity with the sys user and using any other database schema. If you performing this activity using a sys user then you don't need to grant any privileges because sys user is a database supper user. But if you want to perform this activity with other Database schema then you must execute the following commands from the sys user.

Suppose our schema name is RAHUL.

SQL> grant exp_full_database, imp_full_database to RAHUL;
SQL> grant read,write on directory expdp_bkp to RAHUL; 

Step 2. Take Full Export from 11g Database

Now we need to take an export backup from the 11g Database using the following command.

$expdp username/password@dbname full=y directory=expdp_bkp dumpfile=full_db_09-sep-2023.dmp logfile=full_db_09-sep-2023.log

Make sure to replace "username", "password" and "dbname" with the appropriate values. The above command will create an export file named "full_db_09-sep-2023.dmp" containing the exported data and a log file "full_db_09-sep-2023.log" for any error messages.

If you want to move only a single schema then use the following command, my schema name is "DIGITAL".

$expdp username/password@dbname schemas=digital directory=expdp_bkp dumpfile=digital_db_09-sep-2023.dmp logfile=digital_db_09-sep-2023.log

Or if you want to move only one table then use the following command:

$expdp username/password@dbname tables=ocp directory=expdp_bkp dumpfile=ocp_db_09-sep-2023.dmp logfile=ocp_db_09-sep-2023.log

Step 3. Check tablespaces 

Before importing the above data in Oracle 19c you must check the existing tablespaces detail in the Oracle 11g database, and create the same tablespaces in the Oracle 19c Database as well otherwise you will face errors related to tablespaces. You can check the existing tablespace details using the following command:

SQL>select name from v$tablespace;

Step 4. Transfer the export file to the Oracle Database 19c server

Transfer the export file 'full_db_09-sep-2023.dmp" from the 11g server to the Oracle 19c server and you can use any preferred method such as FTP or SCP.

$scp /u01/expdp_bkp/full_db_09-sep-2023.dmp oracle@19c_machine_ip:/u02/expdp_bkp

Step 5. Import 11g Data to 19c oracle

It is time to import the data in Oracle 19c using the "impdp" command, but before executing the impdp command you must check the backup which you copy from the 11g machine it should be at the directory location. For directory creation, you can check the step number 1.

$impdp username/password@dbname directory=expdp_bkp dumpfile=full_db_09-sep-2023.dmp logfile=imp_full_db_09-sep-2023.log

Make sure to replace "username", "password" and "dbname" with the appropriate values. The above command will import the data from the export file into the Oracle Database 19c and create a log file named "imp_full_db_09-sep-2023.log" for any error messages.

Once the import process is complete, you should have successfully "export from 11g and import to 19c" Database.

Thanks for visiting www.ocptechnology.com

3 thoughts on “Export from 11g and import to 19c

  1. HI,
    first of all thanks for the export and import steps.
    after the import I am not able to connect to the database as user , its giving me error 01017 logon denied
    what could be the reason

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