How to Schedule automatic tasks to Shutdown or Restart PC?

Schedule automatic tasks

Schedule automatic task to Shutdown or Restart the PC

Hello, Friends in this article I’m going to discuss with you how to schedule automatic tasks on your PC so let’s start.

Click on the start button and search task scheduler or press window + r then type taskschd.msc then hit enter, then click on create a basic task in the right panel.

Give your task name what you want and descriptions also, then click on next.

  • select when you want to start your task then next.
  • select the date & time when you want to start your task.

After that action page will appear, here select the first option (start a program) then click next. In the program/script box type shutdown and in add arguments type –s –f –t 0 (-s for shutdown, -r for restart) if you want to shut-down your PC after 60 sec so type here 60 instead of 0. Click next then review all and then finish it.

Configure Automatic Backups with task scheduler

Now your computer will be going shut down at the time that you have given.

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