PRCR 1086 resource ora.mgmtdb is already registered

Solution PRCR 1086 resource ora.mgmtdb

In this article, I’m going to discuss the PRCR 1086 resource ora.mgmtdb resource which I was facing at the time of grid configuration on the Oracle Linux 6.7 platform. I have checked the logfile for grid configuration which is existing on the following path “/u01/app/oraInventory/logs/installActions2019-03-16_09-10-07PM.log“, and got the following information from the log.

PRCR 1086 resource ora.mgmtdb

INFO: No arguments to pass to stdin
INFO: ... GenericInternalPlugIn: starting read loop.
INFO: Read: Cleaning up failed steps
WARNING: Skipping line: Cleaning up failed steps
INFO: End of argument passing to stdin
INFO: Read: 5% complete
WARNING: Skipping line: 5% complete
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0
INFO: Read: Registering database with Oracle Grid Infrastructure
WARNING: Skipping line: Registering database with Oracle Grid Infrastructure
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0
INFO: Read: DBCA Operation failed.
WARNING: Skipping line: DBCA Operation failed.
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0
INFO: Read: Look at the log file "/u01/app/grid/cfgtoollogs/dbca/_mgmtdb/_mgmtdb5.log" for further details.
WARNING: Skipping line: Look at the log file "/u01/app/grid/cfgtoollogs/dbca/_mgmtdb/_mgmtdb5.log" for further details.
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0
INFO: Completed Plugin named: Creating Container Database for Oracle Grid Infrastructure Management Repository
INFO: Creating Container Database for Oracle Grid Infrastructure Management Repository failed.
INFO: Creating Container Database for Oracle Grid Infrastructure Management Repository failed.
INFO: ConfigClient.executeSelectedToolsInAggregate action performed
INFO: Exiting ConfigClient.executeSelectedToolsInAggregate method

After checking the logfile I’m doing google and found something interesting which I’m going to share with you.

During Grid configuration one database is created by default with the name of MGMTB so our configuration stuck here then we need to delete this DB configuration, once the configuration is deleted then click on try again.

Go on following path using cd command as a GRID user.

$cd /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/bin

Solution PRCR 1086

Then run the following command which is delete the configuration of MGMTB db.

$dbca -silent -deleteDatabase -sourceDB -MGMTDB

Output of above Query:

Connecting to database
4% complete
9% complete
14% complete
19% complete
23% complete
28% complete
47% complete
Updating network configuration files
48% complete
52% complete
Deleting instance and datafiles
76% complete
100% complete
Look at the log file "/u01/app/grid/cfgtoollogs/dbca/_mgmtdb.log" for further details.

Now you can go head for your grid configuration, hopefully you will be successfully done your configuration.

I found this solution from “”.


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