Cloning Database Using DBCA

Cloning Database Using DBCA
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In this article, we are going to learn Cloning Database Using DBCA. A cloning Database is just a copy of your production database that is used for testing purposes or you can use any other purpose also, after cloning the Database you have the same copy of your production database. For making a Database clone we have many ways.

  • Through backup of the control file.
  • Using DBCA.
  • Through OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager).
  • Through RMAN backups.

Start Cloning Database using DBCA with screenshots

1. Run DBCA command on prompt and follow steps.

Cloning Database Using DBCA

Click on Next.

Cloning Database Using DBCA

2. Select the Manage Templates option then click on the Next button.

create database template using DBCA

Note: Now create a database template and chose if you want to copy all data from an existing database or select the structure-only option then press Next.

3. Now select your production database name then click on next.

Cloning Database instance Using DBCA

4. Now give a name to your template and then click on Next.

template Cloning Database Using DBCA

5. Now select convert the file locations to use OFA structure then click on finish.

convert the file location using dbca

Now your clone DB template is ready for making a new clone Database, Run the DBCA command again and choose this template then follow the step to making a new Database after completion you can see all data of your production database are present in your clone database.

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