ORA-19913 unable to decrypt backup

ORA-19913 unable to decrypt backup

Today we facing the ORA-19913 unable to decrypt backup error during RMAN backup restoration.

ORA-19913 unable to decrypt backup

After troubleshooting we found, this backup belonged to the encryption-enabled database and there is a wallet also configured.

while backup restoration, open database in nomount state then check wallet status, it is showing closed.

SQL> select status from v$encryption_wallet;


If the wallet is closed then you can't restore the backup, so for a successful recovery follow the below steps. Exit from SQL prompt.

SQL> exit;

Connect with your production server and copy the wallet configuration files also copy configure in sqlnet.ora, then verify the wallet status again. This time you will see the wallet status is open.

TNS Entry:

$ cat $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora

     (METHOD_DATA = (DIRECTORY = /u01/app/oracle/admin/$ORACLE_UNQNAME/wallet)

Copy wallet files on /u01/app/oracle/admin/$ORACLE_UNQNAME/wallet location carefully.

Now check wallet status:

SQL> select status from v$encryption_wallet;


Sometimes wallet permission is not available, so if the wallet is not open in your case please check your wallet file permission. It should be the same as on the production server.

I hope, this article "ORA-19913 unable to decrypt backup" solves your problem, if yes please write in the comment box, and subscribe to us on YouTube.

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