Find redo log members, redo log file size and redo log status

Find redo log

In this article, we will show you how to find redo log members, redo log file size, and redo log status using some simple commands.

How do you find the redo log?

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Step 1. Find redo log file members and group details.

SQL>col member for a55
SQL>select group#,type,member from v$logfile

Output from the above query:

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What is size of redo log file?

Step 2. Find Redo log file size using v$log view.

SQL> select group#,thread#,sequence#,bytes/1024/1024 "size in MB",members from v$log;


Step 3. Get results from both queries together.

SQL> col "redo file name" for a45
SQL>select,l.thread#,l.sequence#,l.archived,l.status, f.member "redo file name" 
    from v$log l join v$logfile f
    order by l.status;


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